Another week down and dusted! Man, time flies when you are having fun, right? Well anyway, this week I've managed to implement a few things which I'm 'fairly' happy with. In fact, almost all the things I mentioned last week I had managed to implement... Well, for some of it, I use the term 'Implement' lightly. I started out implementing the sludge trap but was stuck on a little snag... trigonometry. Yes, a flash back to my ol' schooling days.. Ah, how I do not miss those days. You're probably thinking "What does trigonometry have to do with this stupid little game?", right? Well, for the cannon to shoot out a ball of sludge, and eventually hit the ground, I need it to arc in a way which looks relatively nice, and not just have a straight line from one point to the other. That's where trigonometry comes into it. I did however manage to find some decent information on how to achieve this, but I've yet to implement it. So hopefully that will be next week's job. Also, I did manage to animate the sludge for when it hit's the ground which I'm happy with. It took me a few attempts to design the bubbles. The first attempt I designed the bubbles all at once and then animated them based on their next phase of animation... But that was too difficult, and didn't turn out the way I wanted them to, so I decided to redo them, and to only focus on one bubble at a time. Doing it this way allowed me to focus on adding a bit more "juice" to the one animation. Once I was happy with the animation for that bubble, I simply duplicated it a few more times, offset the animations, and moved them around the puddle. After completing majority of the Sludge trap, the only thing I needed to finish was the arc of the sludge ball... which, I didn't reeeaaalllyyy want to do at the time -I feel like that's a "weeks" job (for me anyway)-, so I decided to put that on the back burner for a little bit and focus on the character's "Dive" mechanic. This mechanic was super easy to complete since all I really needed to do was replace the animations for the movement to the dive, set the speed to a crazy number, then set the speed back to zero after a certain period of time. Sure, there were a few other things to consider such as not being able to move while diving, and making sure the player can still get hit by traps while diving, but those were just minor tweaks to this implementation. The longest and hardest part was designing the assets. I'm probably going to go back to these and clean them up a bit more, but overall, it's basically finished. So that wraps up this week's development Blog for Just Survive. Next week, I will "hopefully" have the sludge trap working, as well as cleaning up some of these dive animations. Besides that, I might look into implementing a new trap, and death animation. Until next week! Thanks again.
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AuthorLindsay is a solo game developer, designing and creating games that he hopes all will enjoy. Archives
February 2020
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